using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace CSharp.DesignPattern.VisitorPattern{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ObjectStructure list = new ObjectStructure(); list.AddEmployee(new FulltimeEmployee("Mike", 2000)); list.AddEmployee(new FulltimeEmployee("Tony", 3000)); list.AddEmployee(new ParttimeEmployee("Nancen", 800)); list.AddEmployee(new ParttimeEmployee("Bibo", 500)); FinanceVisitor fVisitor = new FinanceVisitor(); HrVisitor hVisitor = new HrVisitor(); list.Accept(fVisitor); list.Accept(hVisitor); } } class ObjectStructure { public void Accept(Visitor visitor) { foreach (IEmployee element in employees) { element.Accept(visitor); } } public void AddEmployee(IEmployee employee) { employees.Add(employee); } public void RemoveEmployee(IEmployee employee) { employees.Remove(employee); } private Listemployees = new List (); } class Visitor { public abstract void Visit(FulltimeEmployee fulltime); public abstract void Visit(ParttimeEmployee contract); } class FinanceVisitor : Visitor { public void Visit(FulltimeEmployee fulltime) { Console.Write("The wage of fulltime is ..."); } public void Visit(ParttimeEmployee contract) { Console.Write("The wage of parttime is ..."); } } class HrVisitor : Visitor { public void Visit(FulltimeEmployee fulltime) { Console.Write("The worktime of fulltime is ..."); Console.Write("The overtime of fulltime is ..."); Console.Write("The timeoff of fulltime is ..."); } public void Visit(ParttimeEmployee contract) { Console.Write("The worktime of fulltime is ..."); } } interface IEmployee { public void Accept(Visitor visitor) { } String Name { set; get; } Int32 Wage { set; get; } } class FulltimeEmployee : IEmployee { public FulltimeEmployee(String name, Int32 wage) { this._name = name; this._wage = wage; } public void Accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); } public void OperationFulltime() { } public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } public int Wage { get { return _wage; } set { _wage = value; } } private String _name; private Int32 _wage; } class ParttimeEmployee : IEmployee { public ParttimeEmployee(String name, Int32 wage) { this._name = name; this._wage = wage; } public void Accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); } public void OperationParttime() { } public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } public int Wage { get { return _wage; } set { _wage = value; } } private String _name; private Int32 _wage; }}